Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Sleep Study

Alright... I had that sleep study done... And it blew. I had to go there at 8:30. I get there... and i watch TV for awhile because there was jack to do. at about 9 this guy comes in and starts measuring my head, and drawing on me. Eventually i get a buncha tape and whole lotta wires attached to me. I watch TV for a bit longer... its about 10:30 now he comes back in "You ready?" "yeah sure why not" so i get all set up in the bed, he hooks some more wires to me... And he leaves. Then he comes back... just to tell me he's going to ask me some questions. So we go through a series of questions to test the stupid wires... Eventually he leaves me be. But now i can't fall asleep. i lay in the bed for about 30 minutes, right on the verge of sleep... he comes in again...gah! So it takes me another 15 20 minutes to fall asleep... but i do. I wake up periodicly during the night... cause i wasnt really tired. Eventually they come back in at 6:30 in the morning " hi im beth, its about 6:30... your moms coming at 8:30 right? so you got about 2 more hours *fix's a wire* sleep good" *Thumbs up* so i lay there sleep for an hour and lay there for an hour... she comes in " ok its 10 after eight! fill out this survey, you can take a shower... and give a week for your results" i fill out the survey and take a shower... and leave... my god that was worthless. after that... i go to another doctor... to see about my catscan i had thursday... "yup, it shows some fluid behind your ear... but since there are no symptoms, im not going to do anything" and he asks me about getting my tonsels and abnoids removed because if i do have sleep apnea it MIGHT cure it... pfft screw that.

This has been another exciting adventure from god! This is your daily dossage of mattage... singing off.


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

I like reading your blog.....I think you should write in it more often....that is if you feel like it :)

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Matt said...

hah, ok rachel, i will. just for you.


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