Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Yeah well screw you too.

I have this gut wrenching feeling. And you know what? It does not piss me off, like everything else does. No, it makes me sad. During english we had vocab. One word was Stoic. Meaning to not show alot of emotion, or hides emotions etc etc. And I thought to myself..."huh... I'm pretty stoic I guess" And then I started to think about how do I really feel? I'm generally a pretty happy person... I have tons of energy all the time. It's really hard to get me down.

Someone told me a while ago, that I have a repressed box. Where I store all my emotions and things that bother me, and just keep it in there, hide it. Don't let it bother me. I've been having some pretty weird dreasm lately, and I'm not one to just believe in any dream, because come on? some of the dreasm I've had are pretty fucked up. But the dreams, are making sense once I think about it. My friend said my repressed box was getting too full or something like that, i put something in there I really care about.

Think about it, do you ever really see me moping around and all "Woe me, woe me... I fucked up my past, and now I'm going to dwell on it, oh if only I could go back, I would do it all differntly!" No, you don't. I'm a perky person, either I'm complaining, or I'm actually having a conversation. I'm full of enthusiasm. I'm hyper! I'm willing to take a risk for just a little bit of fun!
But is that really me?

I'm actually a really shy person. I mean extremely shy. Some of you know this, others do not. I'm unbeleivably shy. I may not seem so because of the above paragraph... but I really am. I hide alot of my emotions. You know what I've been feeling lately? alot! But thats too bad, because should I tell you? Do you REALLY want to know how I feel about things? about myself? about people?


At 7:07 PM, Blogger Becca said...


How was the jail??? YOU AND CLIFF LEFT ME ALL ALONE! AND THEN I HADDA DO A SOLO! goooooooosh!

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Matt said...

The jail was fun. Althought I was dissapointed that they wouldn't let me into maximum security. Also they asked for a volunteer to be pepper sprayed.. and when I actually did volunteer... they said they were joking.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Becca said...

snap... no maximum security OR pepper spray? GOSH! THAT TRIP BLOWS!!


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