Sunday, July 23, 2006

good friends?

I feel compelled to tell someone about this no matter how childish it may seem. It seems no matter who I make as friends there always seems to be one of these there. Oh, lets start with this.. I make alot of friends. More girls than guys usually. I make these great friends, and we're real close. This has happened quite a few times. and then I introduce them to another one of my friends, figure we can all hang out. Well pretty soon after that, that new friend I made doesnt really want to hang out with me anymore, who used to tell me everything, now tells the friend introduced her to everything. They act like everything is fine.. but now Im feeling left out of the picture on everything... And its not like just a one or two person thing... it happens to EVERY single person that meets this friend. I know this probably just sounds like jealousy but... Everywhere i go there seems to be a friend like that... and I can't stand the feeling of being replaced.


At 1:43 AM, Blogger Kelvin said...

Hello from a blogger down under in New Zealand. I was searching the blog world when your blog popped up.

You live & learn !!! When you make a new friend, don't introduce them to your other friends and you will never get left out of the picture.
When you go out, if they want to talk to your other friends, let them introduced themselves.

And, leave your phone off especially if you get phoned in the early hours of the morning !!!

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Hilary said...

Except me!

Anyway... Funny story of why I didn't make it back to subway!

So Brie and I were going to the movies, and we were on our way to NCG. Well.. Gool ol' me got lost. I mean comon! How the hell do you get lost going to NCG. Well I managed to do it, so we had to go to a later show. Then by the time we got back into town it was passed 11:30.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Hilary said...


At 2:59 PM, Blogger Hilary said...

Matt.. Work sucks. And tomorrow... we're going bowling. It's going to be fun fun fun!

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Becca said...

Matt Matt Matt....

I'm gonna miss you SO much next year! Nobody can replace you, don't worry about it.

You better visit us!

And we need to hang out. Maybe I'll come visit you at Subway :) What are your hours? I saw your car there this afternoon :)

haha later

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Ben said...

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