Saturday, September 24, 2005

Rennaissance festival.

To start.. Brady couldn't go. He was doing stuff with his parents.. lame excuse... but whatever. So it was just Jake, Brandon, Rachel, and myself. Rachel's mom drove us again, and that was spifftacular, because no one had to pay gas money. So we got to the rennaissance festival, and not even 5 minutes of being there... We were approached about Jail. Rachel, of course was going in, because well.. she just was. Turns out she had all 3 of us guys thrown in too. I was thrown in for being a "pudding filled sock puppet". They let Rachel out really soon, and she won jailor says (i almost won last year... i was so close... bah) and then she had to wait about half an hour for us to get out because it was her fault.. ALL HER FAULT. YOU SEE THAT RACHEL, ALL YOUR FAULT. So all we had to do was sing a song about being a cow. We got some turkey legs, and watched a joust. The joust wasn't that entertaining and the lady behind me gave me a headache... we walked around for a long time... missed a ded bob show, walked around some more... saw the ded bob show and left.... There was ALOT more in there... but i for some reason cant seem to remember it all. Oh, i found this really cool mask under a bench... ill bring it monday... because it is that cool.... Anyway, I had an awesome day... and I'd love to go every year, with the same group of people. because.. my friends are just THAT awesome.


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Katie (Olivena) said...

sounds like you had fun!!!

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Chris Latta said...

sometime in my life i'd like to go to one of those festivals...

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Hilary said...

HarHar I had to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider!


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