Wednesday, January 26, 2005

What Happened?

The bright orange was too happy. Had to change it.

I've been extremely busy lately.. with the play.. and Band. The play took so much of my time. Band is taking the rest. It's taking so much effort just to get my school done. I have 3 math assignments to do(used to be 5), I have Honors Gov. Out my .... Chemistry like nothing before, Concert band test almost every week, English 11 book to read, german crap... And the play... jesus... that's my rant for today.

I helped with the play, as you all know. I built sets (along with brandon), moved sets, was even in a scene untill the day of the preformance... we had to many people in that scene. I spent on average 3 hours afterschool almost everyday helping with that play. IT comes time for the rehersals. Zach nagy , because he is Alec's brother... gets to help, and is "put in charge" of the set movements when Stephanie is not back there. Whenever she isn't... Who was the one telling just about everyone what to do? Myself. Why? because this little punk of an 8th grader, was too busy getting his 'groove' on with sarah jansma. Slut. So... Review time. I put in 3 months to the play. He puts in roughly a week. at the end of the play... They give off awards. I'm not expecting one, because-- I'm not in the class. They gave Zach, an award... saying he did all the set movements, and he was the 'leader', and how he moved this half ton sets all by himself, he was the whole freakin crew apparently. He did JACK SHIT, now; I'm not mad that I did not get an award... I'm mad because he got one, and did nothing to deserve it. I ask Charles about this, telling him... That everyone gives him credit saying "you saved the day" blah blah blah. He told me "well, he's in 8th grade it'll be good for his ego, plus we bought into that whole thing" What the hell is that? Relapse time. I spend 3 months working on the play. Zach spends a week (builds nothing), I make sure everything gets moved backstage, Zach flirts with slut. Zach gets award, I get 8th grade ego boost remark?

This isn't even right.

Also, they want to do another production this weekend. Why? Because they paid for the auditorium. Which is understandable... If it was still first semester. These kids are not getting ANYTHING from this. No grade, they are already out. Certainly not money. What about those of us who never got anything? They are asking these kids... to come out... leave their plans, that they had made after the play timeframe.. just SO it did not interfere... they want them to take time out of their lives for this? For what? so they can get the schools money's worth?.. It's completely wrong. I'm thinking about skipping the thursday practice, just to see if the zach kid, really can do it all himself. I'm sure it will be done.. but at the rate, everything will take TWICE as long.

That's my rant.. hope you enjoyed my complaining.


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