Thursday, December 23, 2004

Santa or Jesus?

When you think about Christmas, what do you think of? Santa, Elves, Reindeer, Sleighs, and gifts? But thats not what it's supposed to be about is it? I mean... I can remember as a young Child, Giving thanks to god, for jesus. Not all this stuff about Santa. Sure we wrote letters to santa, but that wasn't what it was about. We were thankful. To god... For jesus. Ask a kid now. What is the meaning of christmas? And you'll get an answer along the lines of "To get Presents from santa for being good".

I see so many houses, with blow up Santas. and snowmen. For every 10 of those, I see one house with a manger, or a jesus.

People today have lost sight of what it is really about. We see people, celebrating Christmas who aren't even religious. I myself... am a bit of a christian. But i don't know whether to consider myself one. Because i question it all. I never get answers for these questions, and faith dwindles. And all these scientific means of things start to seems correct. But somehow you just can't believe them... But you can't believe what you've been told to believe all your life... So you don't know what to believe...


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

You rock Matt. too bad the priest at christmas eve mass yesterday couldn't sum it up like you did....I might have listened better. Merry Christmas!

At 12:46 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Happy be-lated birthday, brady/jesus. It's belated becasue its 12:40 something. And yes rachel... I have a knack for saying things simpley and honestly. But also bluntly... and if im in a bad mood, It wont be put nicely. :-P

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Matt it's Becca... i totally loved what you said and it's totally true. This year Christmas made me so angry because of all the stereotype and all the hype. People advertise popular "holiday icons" such as Santa and the Reindeer and it all means nothing. Why is it so easy for people to lose sight of what's really going on? Another thing is everyone says that people are "happy" around the holidays... and when they dont get happy they get mad because hey arent you SUPPOSED to be happy on Christmas? It just makes me mad that it seems like people seem to be telling us how to feel and what to do around the holidays, to hide who you are, be happy, have billions of parties and try to get the best gifts. (yeah this is kinda long sorry) I was at the point this year when i wanted to reject all the gifts that i hadnt opened yet and just quietly reflect on what Christmas is. I was just so sick of all the lies people feed us about holidays... it's the only reason why December is stupid. Hope you had a nice CHRISTmas~Becca R


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