Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Bad Luck.

I swear. I have THE worst luck. First. I back my dads car into a pole. He pretty much freaks out a that... Then I get into trouble for staying at Rachel's house a bit too late... and even worse yet.. on the way home from Rachel's house... I hit a goddamn deer. A DEER. I crested a hill and there it was, I pressed on the brakes, and luckily was able to slow down enough to not cause any damage.... The deer got up and ran away... I called my parents, and it gave me the answering machine the first time.. and then I tried their cell phones... it rang and then gave me the voicemail... tried the cells again and it went straight to the voicemail... they shut off their phone. well thats just freakin lovely. GAH! Deer. As Kyle said... they love the light.


At 3:06 PM, Blogger Becca said...

oh god once my dad hit a deer and me and Hannah named it "Little Ricky"... it was so sad!


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