Monday, June 27, 2005

time flows by

I was gonna put a song here, but that'd be kinda lame eh? it's a song I wrote, and maybe I'll put it here later. but have you ever had this feeling?

You know people care for you, and you know no matter what happens they will be there... yet you still feel alone, and like no one cares... because the person you want to care like that, doesnt?

If you do... I've felt that way before, It's not a great feeling and It is hard to describe. You know whats wrong... yet you don't. Either that or you don't want to know whats wrong. Sometimes people just like to have that lingering feeling. People say it and you try to believe it... but you can't ALWAYS be happy, you have to be sad if even only for a couple of seconds. Life just flows by in a matter of minutes and moments and we're too busy to stop and realize it.

Many people don't realize it, but I am actually a good person to talk to. I may not seem like it.. because I'm a bit of a spaz... but I do love to listen to people (if you are my friend) I love to help people out, and give advice.. or just to listen if they want to get something off their chest. I used to do it for Kelly and Bekah alot... Also.. I'm good at keeping secrets.. you know why? because I can't remember them half the time =P... just kidding. But if you guys ever need someone to talk to... ya know i'm here... anyway. that was random..

You know what a good song is? Mr. Brightside(the killers)... You know what another good song is? Sweet Dreams(dont remember the name)... Another... Church on Sunday(Green Day).. another... 500 miles (The Proclaimers) i think thats the name of the song...


At 5:51 PM, Blogger Katie (Olivena) said...

Well Matt, maybe we can talk... I need some advice right now! (cries)

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Becca said...

mattio I cant wait till me and KT give you your super secret awesome spectacular fantastic glamourous fabulous... PRESENT!

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

I'm in love with the Killers. hey look, I just left you a comment again!


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