Monday, February 27, 2006

lol first post in a while.

Alright, a few things have been bugging me lately, and i normally wouldn't post it here, but it is really starting to bug me. Alot of people have been leaving me out of things lately. One second i'm your best friend, and people are telling me things, and asking me for advice... and the next im not trustworthy enough, or you act so distant from me that i think i've done something wrong. And it also pisses me off, when someone is talking about something, and i miss part of it and they say "nevermind" or "you dont need to know" i'm sorry? wtf that pisses me off. Im also sick and tired of people particularly two people who one, always comments on crap about me, and then the other one plays off of their comments and just sits there and teases me. I seriously can't take this shit anymore. This goes for everyone (except aubree and a few others)... You can trust me or not, you can tell me and let me help you... or not... but if not... then leave me the fuck alone, because i'm tired of the bullshit.

Thank you and have a Nice day.

Actually pretty much anyone who has access to this blog, is ok... Speaking of which.. Rachel, we REALLY need to hang out soon, we keep sort of planning things and then not following through, we need to follow through!!