Sunday, June 04, 2006

100th Angry post.

Well this is my 100th post. Kinda lame. I dont even think anyone reads this anymore... if you do.. leave me some kinda comment.


Aubree and I have been going out for 6 months.

Ok, now for the complaining. What the hell is with fickle people. They piss me off. This girl tells me Im her cloest friend and she calls me everytime she has guy trouble or just wants to talk. and It is always at 2 am.. and I dont mind because I care. But she tells me she doesnt want a relationship with anyone and that she jsut wants to relax and take a break, she tells all the guys that... and then all of a sudden... the NEXT GODDAMN DAY she is dating some guy.. who i'v expressed that I dont care for, and whome graduated years ago. But that doesnt matter...I dont mind that... BUT SHE LIED TO ME. She lied to everyone. Shes done this 3 times. Im tired of shit happening to her and then all of a sudden she calls me at 3 am crying saying "I dont know what to do" and I pat her on the goddamn head and tell her everything is going to be ok, and give her adivce on what she should do. She never uses my advice and her situation always gets worse, so she calls me again. I pat her on the head, tell her its ok and give her more advice. But no, what does she do? A guy is obsessing over her and she doesnt like him at all.. so she goes to talk to him while they hang out becuase they are old friends and then they start dating? WHAT THE FUCK!? So then that goes down the hole and she calls me again. I pat her on the back tell her its ok and give her advice. She starts hanging on another guy, tells him she had a crush on him. Then tells him she doesnt want a relationship... tells me she doesnt want a relationship... but the next day shes dating some guy she has only hung out with for a couple of hours, and known not even a day!! I've known this guy but she wont listen to the guy who always gives her advice that will save her the heart aches and troubles. No, I'm tired of patting her on the head and saying its ok. She lied to me and she betrayed me. I am tired of being lied to.

Goddamn it.

Fickle people piss me off.

Matts Wisdom: 1)Mybuttons are hard to find but they are sensetive so if you keep looking, your going to nudge it.

2)IF you are a guy, do not invest in a relationship untill you can afford to buy a house. Sometimes gifts are a 1-up thing and you have to do better than last time or else you feel like an ass. So one day when you dont think you can out do her gift be like BAM I bought you a house! what now? K.

Thats all for today. Sorry if this is rambling and doesnt make sense. Im not sorry if someone is offended. Should have stopped reading if you were offended. I wrote this in anger and frustration so it may not all be how i REALLY feel I am just angry and this is the only way I can get it out because I cant talk to people about how i feel.