Monday, April 25, 2005

I cant think of a title

I've been in relitively high spirits lately, and I dont know why. I dont have very many reasons to be happy, but I am. well I should say the bad outweigh good. I havent been on lately to update so I'll let you guys know why... well the very few of you who read this anyway. I am grounded.I failed the first marcking period of Honors Gov. Because she is a maniacle BITCH (for the girls who read this, excuse my langauge). I swear she hates me. But I've been over that before. My dad. in his Fit of Fury.. would not let me explain that as long as I get a high grade on this marking period the last one is waivered. So he grounded me from friends and computer. I'm scarcely allowed to go on bike rides.

Also, I'm going to prom. Rachel made my day with that one. Band trip is going to be awesome. I cant wait to get away from my parents for a while. I had alot more to type in here but I forgot. I was gonna rant...but I guess I'll save that for

Talking to anonymous person A alot lately, which is awesome. I've known them for a long time, and I love the fact that our friendship hasnt dwindled. I hope all my friendships stay this vibrant.

Also, I have been quite distant from my friends lately. and I'm sorry. I've been really stressed lately and It's sucked. I've been on the edge for a while but I'm comming back. no going over yet =P

Matt's update! Stay tuned for a rant! yarg?

When I'm ungrounded. Brady,Jake, Brandon, and myself are going to build a pirate ship. It'll be awesome. Shouldnt be too mcuh longer... hopefully by this weekend.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Yeah well screw you too.

I have this gut wrenching feeling. And you know what? It does not piss me off, like everything else does. No, it makes me sad. During english we had vocab. One word was Stoic. Meaning to not show alot of emotion, or hides emotions etc etc. And I thought to myself..."huh... I'm pretty stoic I guess" And then I started to think about how do I really feel? I'm generally a pretty happy person... I have tons of energy all the time. It's really hard to get me down.

Someone told me a while ago, that I have a repressed box. Where I store all my emotions and things that bother me, and just keep it in there, hide it. Don't let it bother me. I've been having some pretty weird dreasm lately, and I'm not one to just believe in any dream, because come on? some of the dreasm I've had are pretty fucked up. But the dreams, are making sense once I think about it. My friend said my repressed box was getting too full or something like that, i put something in there I really care about.

Think about it, do you ever really see me moping around and all "Woe me, woe me... I fucked up my past, and now I'm going to dwell on it, oh if only I could go back, I would do it all differntly!" No, you don't. I'm a perky person, either I'm complaining, or I'm actually having a conversation. I'm full of enthusiasm. I'm hyper! I'm willing to take a risk for just a little bit of fun!
But is that really me?

I'm actually a really shy person. I mean extremely shy. Some of you know this, others do not. I'm unbeleivably shy. I may not seem so because of the above paragraph... but I really am. I hide alot of my emotions. You know what I've been feeling lately? alot! But thats too bad, because should I tell you? Do you REALLY want to know how I feel about things? about myself? about people?

Friday, April 08, 2005

Stupid online quizs are fun!....

Your dating personality profile:

Adventurous - Just sitting around the house is not something that appeals to you. You love to be out trying new things and really experiencing life.
Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.
Intellectual - You consider your mind amongst your assets. Learning is not a chore but a constant search after wisdom and knowledge. You value education and rationality.Your date match profile:

Funny - You consider a good sense of humor a major necessity in a date. If her jokes make you laugh, she has won your heart.
Shy - You are put off by people who are open books. You are drawn to someone who is a bit more mysterious. You want to draw her out of her shell and get to know what she is all about.
Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things.